Hightower Association Food Bank
James 1:27 tells us ”Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction …” One sure way to “visit orphans and widows in their affliction” is to meet the very real physical needs they have, such as a need for food and clothing. If the Lord is calling you to help meet those needs, please consider serving alongside this important ministry.
The Mission of Hightower Association Food Bank:
“We aim to reach members of our community by meeting their physical and spiritual needs.” The Hightower Baptist Association is a group of local churches in Forsyth, Dawson, Cherokee, Gwinnett, and Fulton Counties who work and worship together with a common goal of reaching our communities for Christ. In 2007, several members saw a need in the community to minister to physical as well as spiritual needs, and they began the Hightower Association Food and Clothing Bank.
Serving Might Involve:
Helping manage and give out resources
Assisting as a Spanish-speaking translator, minister, and runner
Volunteer every second Saturday of each month from 8 am to 12 pm
Helping prepare for distribution during the week
Donating gently used clothing, shoes, purses, and household items
Find out more about Hightower Association Food Bank and how you can sign up to help.
Our Waypoint Contact:
Elizabeth Oviedo